Friday, August 14, 2009

Volunteer Open House Brunch, August 15th

By Lauren Berutich
It is a beautiful morning here in Flagstaff, Arizona. The cool, refreshing air can be a fun reminder that fall is coming and before we know it, the west side of the Kaibab will be calling to us once again. The sheer, red walls of the Paria Canyon join us for a backpacking adventure or the Kaiabab National Forest greets us proudly in Ponderosa pines and important research opportunities. Did I mention rows of corn, watermelon, squash, and zucchini? Buzzing bees and acres of the beautiful production of food that is just waiting to be harvested? This is my favorite time of year- the sunny fall afternoons, the smell of juniper in the field, the feeling of soft handfuls of seed as they roll off my fingertips into the desert sandy soils below. What a time to take in deep breaths, catch a bodacious sunset, cherish ourselves and others as stewards of the lands we all hold so dear.

I want to remind all of our readers that we are hosting an open house recruitment brunch tomorrow, Saturday August 15 from 9-11 for all of those volunteers ready to join us for our fall season in the field. I will present twice at 9:30 and 10:30 so that you are able to come and go as you’d like. Please join the Grand Canyon Trust at 2601 N Fort Valley Road for some good coffee, breakfast snacks, and to sign up for a wonderful volunteer experience. Just curious to find out more about our organization? Join us for some fun discussions and meet some of our staff. Please visit for more information or call 928-774-7488. Hope to see you there.

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