Friday, July 31, 2009

Biomass Collection Trip: Volunteers assist in conservation research

I just wanted to say "thank you" to all the volunteers who joined the the Trust and Northern Arizona University to clip grass for our research project on the Kaibab Plateau. It was a great trip. I feel lucky to have spent a handfull of days and nights with such a great group of people. Thanks to everyone for working hard and being flexible. Despite the summer monsoons, we were able to get all the work Lauren, our researcher, had on the schedule for us! This trip was another shining example of how much work a group from the community can accomplish when we set our minds to the task.
Nettie, Annie, Liz and Tucker i am glad that you all took the time to do this trip. A weeklong volunteer trip to a remote place is a big unknown, and you all took that challenge on with a big smile. Also, lots of thanks to Val and Mark....who have volunteered with us many times. We couldnt do this work without returning folks like them.
So hopefully we will see you all again. Thanks!
